After Admissions has fully processed your application and admitted you to Greenville Technical College, your GTC4me account will be created within one business day.
Non-academic students receive login information from course instructors after completing the registration for the course. Contact the Continuing Education Registration Team with questions.
For easy password reset or retrieval, first register at the Self Service Password Reset Tool by clicking on the last button. Once registered, you can reset or change your password as needed. For more details, try the Self-Service Password Reset Tool User Guide (pdf)
If you've forgotten your password and you haven't already registered at the Self Service Password Reset Tool, call 864-250-8000 for assistance.
When you log into Gmail the first time, you are immediately prompted to change your password to something only you know. Gmail has an option to change the password once you are logged in as well.
To have your GTC student email ( password reset, contact support at 864-250-8000. You may also be able to reset your password clicking Need help? on the email sign-in page.
Your GTC Network username is the one assigned to you at the time you are accepted as a GTC student, or if you are an employee, when you are hired. This username is the first part of your GTC4me login credential and GTC Gmail email address. Students are emailed this username in their acceptance email to the college. Employees are provided this information by HR or their supervisor.
To determine your user name, go to GTC4me/Blackboard user name help and follow the prompts.
Can't find your username? Watch this short video for help.
For students, use your full GTC Gmail email address ( as your login and your initial password is the last six digits of your SSN.
For employees, use your GTC Microsoft login ( and your GTC Network password.
If you have already registered with the Self-Service Password Reset Tool, you can use it to reset or retrieve your current password. For more details, try the Self-Service Password Reset Tool User Guide (pdf).
If you've forgotten your password and you haven't already registered at the Self Service Password Reset Tool or you are a new student, call 864-250-8000 for assistance or put in an online request for help.
If you need help with the password for your online application, or if you need to start over with a new application, please call the Customer Care Team at 864-250-8000 or submit an online request for help.
To reset or change your GTC Bookstore password, contact GTC Bookstore customer service at for assistance with changing your GTC Bookstore password or updating your account information.